On this page, we will keep you up to date with the latest Litdrive news and other important developments across the English teaching sphere.
GCSE English Reform Report
We are proud that Litdrive is part of this collaborative work of English communities, this important report and recommendations of the...
Litdrive Recommended!
Thank you to Julian Girdham for including Litdrive in his useful list of resources for English teaching. Take a look to see if there is a...
Litdrive Helps Teachers Access CPD
In a recent Teacher Development Trust report which focuses on improving access to CPD for teachers and school leaders, Litdrive is given a...
Telling the Story: the English subject report
Zoe Enser is the Lead HMI Secondary English. Before joining Ofsted, she spent 20 years as a classroom teacher, head of English and Drama,...
Litdrive Member Blog Recognised
We are always fascinated by the excellent blog posts written by our members for Litdrive and it is even more gratifying to see that they...
Using Litdrive to Develop Expertise
In this case study for the Chartered College of Teaching's Early Career Hub, Bethany Stewart details the different strategies she employed...
Litdrive Featured in NATE Report on Teachers on Maternity Leave
Writing in an article in one of NATEs regular publications, Helen Mars describes her experiences as a teacher on maternity leave and how...
National Conference Reflections
With so many fantastic speakers at the conference, it is great to have a detailed account of the day from the point of view of one of our...
A Speaker’s View of Litdrive’s Inaugural National Conference
Helen Ralston presented at the National Conference last July and wrote a wonderful blog post which described her experience. Her session...