Samantha Dominey, Head of English, shares her team’s experience of attending the Inaugural #LitdriveCPD23 conference at Aston University. Samantha secured funding from school to attend #LitdriveCPD23 with several team members, and this has led to eleven staff members attending our next conference in March next year. She says, ‘we were so positive about it last year, we’ve got more people on board this year.’

Samantha was ‘really impressed’ with the conference as a subject leader, and found it invaluable, especially the sessions focused on curriculum development. The insights have not only reassured her that she was on the right path but also strengthened her leadership, building credibility and trust with her team: 

‘it helped me build a bit of loyalty with the team, a little bit of trust… it solidified [the departmental vision] for me… that I was kind of in the right direction.’

Samantha highlights the power of Litdrive in uniting educators through shared experiences and expertise. The diversity of sessions enabled her team to cover a broad range of subject specific professional development, maximising staff time and bringing back valuable strategies to trial and implement within their department. She praised the conference – ‘we really rate it’ – noting it boosted team cohesion and provided relevant, practical insights. The commitment of her school to continue funding their attendance is a testament to the high value they place on this subject-specific CPD. 

You can buy tickets for your and your department to #LitdriveCPD25 here. It will be held at Aston University, Birmingham, on Saturday 29 March 2025.