Cormier, R. Heroes, 1998, Penguin: London Range of Google images Anti Hero – Literary Devices https://literarydevices.com/antihero/#:~:text=An%20antihero%20is%20a%20main,to%20the%20traditional%20hero%20archetype. Sheila M McGarry, The Aristotelian tragic hero: Vision, voice, and the solitary self, Purdue University, https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/dissertations/AAI9821711/ John Peck and Martin Coyle, How to Study a Shakespeare Play, 1985, Macmillan, London. Tragic Hero - Literary Devices https://literarydevices.net/tragic-hero/
WJEC GCSE Literature Unit 2a. A powerpoint presentation following my CPD recording. Here is a copy of the powerpoint I used in the video. The powerpoint discusses Francis as a hero, sinner or victim.