Guidance for our Guest Bloggers

We’ve received a great deal of amount of interest from individuals wanting to guest blog which is incredibly exciting for our members. This aligns perfectly with our ‘by teachers, for teachers’ approach to CPD and resourcing. Here are a few pointers if you’re submitting a piece:

  1. Please wherever possible, remain impartial. You may of course mention a particular method of INSET or book that acted as a springboard for your ideas, but the piece should not promote a person, product or service who may financially benefit from the coverage to our members.
  2. Please include a short 80 word bio for our members, along with a photograph and any social media or website link you would like to include. Co-authoring is also encouraged!
  3. We have introduced a short-form blog format which aims for 400-500 words. For longer form pieces, aim for 1000-1500 words and a topic that is either current to the teaching climate, or relevant to English teaching specifically. We can work to a deadline that works for you.
  4. Do not worry about formality or an academic tone; the piece should aim to inform our members with practical ways to implement or question ideas within their own teaching.
  5. Feel free to link to other members of Litdrive or Twitter handles throughout- we are happy to credit.
  6. If you would like to include any photos, videos etc, please do so on the condition that they do not infringe on copyright.

Note: All articles submitted on a voluntary basis. They will be subject to editing, and may be used at a differing time from that which has been agreed, subject to scheduling. Please email for more information, express an interest or submit a piece.